Beware, Danger Ahead – 10-30-22
Jude warns that Apostates are present in the Church. Their message can cause immeasurable damage unless it is stamped out quickly.
09 Matthew 4:12-25 – The Beginning of the Plan – 10/23/22
Jesus fulfilled prophecy and ensured that the Gospel message would be spread to every nation, every people, and every tongue.
Watch: The Beginning of the Plan
By Grace and the Blood – 10/02/22
Jesus was tempted with riches, power, and glory in the wilderness. Each time though, He chose the way of Righteousness. Jesus truly is worthy to be Lamb of God!
08 Matthew 4:1-11 – Temptation – 08/07/22
Jesus was tempted with riches, power, and glory in the wilderness. Each time though, He chose the way of Righteousness. Jesus truly is worthy to be Lamb of God!
07 Matthew 3:13-17 – The Baptism of Jesus – 07/03/22
The Baptism of Jesus marked the beginning of our Lord’s earthly ministry. It is here that the Holy Spirit alights upon Him and the Father says from Heaven, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’
06 Matthew 3:11-12 – John the Baptist, Part 2 – 06/12/22
John the Baptist said that the Messiah would bring with Him two Baptisms; one of the Holy Spirit and one of Fire. Those Baptisms correspond to Salvation and Judgement.
Watch: John the Baptist, Part 2
05 Matthew 3:1-10 – John the Baptist, Part 1 – 05/29/22
God uses the unexpected events in our lives to fulfill His will and His purposes. When we are in despair, we need to trust Him all the more.
Watch: John the Baptist, Part 1
04 Matthew 2:1-23 – The Wise Men, Part 2 – 05/22/22
God uses the unexpected events in our lives to fulfill His will and His purposes. When we are in despair, we need to trust Him all the more.
03 Matthew 2:1-6 – The Wise Men, Part 1 – 05/01/22
The Wise Men came from the East because they knew of the coming King. But, when exactly did they arrive in Bethlehem?
Our Substitute – 04/17/22
The Apostle John detailed both the Triumphal Entry of Christ as well as His betrayal. In his Gospel, we encounter drama, intrigue, and Jesus paid the debt for our Sins. He is our Substitute before God. He is Risen and He lives forever to make Intercession for His People!
The Triumphal Entry – 04/10/22
The Apostle John detailed both the Triumphal Entry of Christ as well as His betrayal. In his Gospel, we encounter drama, intrigue, and anger. Watch and see how John revealed the Eternal Plan of God.
The Lord’s Supper – 04/03/22
The Lord’s Supper is one of two Ordinances that is observed by Protestant Churches. In it, we remember the Lord’s Accomplished Work on the Cross, giving thanks until He comes again.
08 Galatians 3:26 – 4:7 – Sons and Heirs – 11/21/21
Through Faith, God has made us both Sons and Heirs in Christ. What a glorious promise we have from the Father! Join us for part 8 of our journey through Galatians.
02 Matthew 1:18-25 – The Birth of Jesus – 03/27/22
Matthew gives us both the Natural and Supernatural origins of Jesus Christ in his Gospel. Join us as we continue our series, part 2 of our journey through Matthew.
07 Galatians 3:15-29 – The Covenants – 11/14/21
Whatever God promises, happens. As such, the Covenants of God can never be changed or annulled. Join us for part 7 of our journey through Galatians.
06 Galatians 3:5-14 – The Curse of The Law – 10/23/21
No one has ever been saved by keeping the Law. Salvation is found only by the Grace of God, through Faith in Jesus Christ. Join us for part 6 of our journey through Galatians.
01 Matthew 1:1-17 – The Book of the Origin of Jesus Christ – 03/20/22
Matthew begins his Gospel by telling us about the Origins of Jesus Christ. Further, he proclaims that Jesus is the fulfillment of every Old Testament, Messianic Prophecy. Join us as we begin our series, part 1 of our journey through Matthew.
Watch: The Book of the Origin of Jesus Christ
15 Galatians 6:1-18 – Glory in the Cross – 03/13/22
The Paul finishes his teaching to the Galatians by telling them to Restore their lost brethren, to live Righteously, and to Revel in the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. Join us for the final sermon in our series, part 15 of our journey through Galatians.
05 Galatians 3:5-10 – Blessings and Curses – 09/26/21
The Biblical Covenants promise Blessings and pronounce Curses. How did the Apostle Paul use Abraham and Moses to illustrate these things to the churches of Galatia? Join us for part 5 of our journey through Galatians.
04 Galatians 3:1-4 – Justification By Faith – 09/19/21
Justification has always been by Faith alone. In this portion of Scripture, the Apostle Paul is stunned by the Galatians abandonment of the Gospel. Join us for part 4 of our journey through Galatians.
03 Galatians 2:11-21 – No Going Back – 09/05/21
Paul explains that Believers are no longer bound to the ceremonial parts of the Law. The Law was only meant to demonstrate our need for the Savior. We are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone. Join us for part 3 of our journey through Galatians.
02 Galatians 1:10-24 – The Apostle Paul – 08/29/21
There is only one, true Gospel. We are saved from the punishment of sin by the Grace of God alone, through Faith alone, in the atoning work of Christ alone. Listen to how the Apostle Paul describes the Good NIf we are to trust someone, it behooves us to know something about them. Since the Apostle Paul purports to be speaking on behalf of God, we need to understand who he is and why he is doing what he is doing. Join us for part 2 of our journey through Galatians.
01 Galatians 1:1-6 – Another Gospel – 08/22/21
There is only one, true Gospel. We are saved from the punishment of sin by the Grace of God alone, through Faith alone, in the atoning work of Christ alone. Listen to how the Apostle Paul describes the Good News as we begin our look at the book of Galatians. Join us for part 1 of our journey through Galatians.
10 Galatians 4:12-20 – Perplexed – 01/09/22
Sometimes even saved Believers get misled by false prophets. How did the Apostle Paul was confused as to why the Galatians had turned away from the Gospel. How did he deal with with these wayward sheep?
09 Galatians 4:8-11 – Turn Back – 01/02/22
Sometimes even saved Believers get misled by false prophets. How did the Apostle Paul deal with that?