Second Sunday Studies seeks to encourage Spiritual Maturity through the study of the Good News presented in Holy Scripture.

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What is Prayer?

Prayer, for the believer, means Communion with God. It does not mean that we demand things from God as if He were a genie granting wishes, but rather it brings is into conformity with His will.

Watch Second Sunday Studies – What is Prayer?

What Are Denominations?

The Church is split into multiple subgroups. While we can all rally around the core doctrines of Christianity, there are secondary doctrines and traditions that separate us.

Watch: Second Sunday Studies – What are Denominations?

What is the Church?

The Church is not a building but rather the gathering together of God’s people.

Watch: Second Sunday Studies – What is the Church?

What is the Law?

The Moral Law of God teaches us about Sin. It is imperative that we understand our guilt before God and our dire need for a Savior.

Watch: Second Sunday Studies – What is the Law?

What is the Bible?

The Bible provides everything that God wants us to know about Him, how to love Him, and how to love one another. It contains our only source of Special Revelation.

Watch: Second Sunday Studies – What is the Bible?

What is Salvation?

Salvation has always been by Grace through Faith, according to Ephesians 2:8-9. It is only by believing in the person of Jesus and His atoning act that the wrath of God is propitiated, and we are Saved.

Watch: Second Sunday Studies – What is Salvation?

What is Sin?

Sin is Rebellion against God. It is the knowing or unknowing violation of God’s Law. Sin can be committed in both action and in thought. It causes a rift between us and God that we cannot mend on our own. It is the Bad News. It is because of Sin that Jesus must intervene, imputing His Righteousness to us, and saving us from the Wrath of God.

Watch: Second Sunday Studies – What is Sin?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

God the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity. He is the agent of Creation. It is He who applies the work of Redemption to the life of the Believer.

Watch: Second Sunday Studies – Who is the Holy Spirit?

Who Is Jesus?

Jesus is the Son of God, the Second Member of the Trinity. Fully God and Fully Man, Jesus alone is sinless and the only one capable of being the Propitiation for the Wrath of a Just God.

Watch: Second Sunday Studies – Who is Jesus?

Who is God?

God is the Creator of the Universe. He attributes represent the zenith of all that is good. He alone is worthy of praise and glory.

Watch: Second Sunday Studies – Who is God?
