The Wise Men traveled hundreds of miles to worship the new born King. The Church can learn a great deal from their devotion and example.
The Love of God
God manifested His Love toward us by sending His Son to Die on the Cross for our Sins.
The Joy of Men
There is a joy that surpasses all other kinds of joy. That joy is a gift from God, and it is received at the moment of Salvation!
The Peace of God
While everyone has been blessed by the coming of Christ, it is only Believers who possess the Peace of God.
Our Hope in the Light
Hope must be based on something that is real and true. The only Hope for this world is found in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Is The Bible Relevant?
Even though the Bible was completed over 2000 years ago, the wisdom and truth contained within its pages is as Relevant today as it was when the words were originally penned.