To share the message of Jesus, we must first understand who He is. Jesus proclaimed Himself to be God, coequal with the Father in Heaven. This foundational doctrine of the Gospel is clearly explained in the Bible.
Rejected Despite The Miracles
Experiencing signs and wonders does not ensure salvation. Despite being healed by Jesus, the paralytic man at the pool of Bethesda chose to reject the Lord and align himself with the Jews.
Apologetics in Evangelism
When evangelizing to the lost world, Christians must be prepared to provide a reasoned defense of their faith in response to the objections of unbelievers. This is the essence of Christian Apologetics.
Evangelism and Contrasting Receptions
Jesus was warmly welcomed by the people of Sychar. They listened to His words and believed Him to be the Messiah. However, because a prophet is often without honor in his own country, the people in Judea and Galilee struggled to believe in Him, even when His teachings were accompanied by signs and wonders.
White for Harvest
After her encounter with Jesus, the Samaritan woman at the well eagerly shared the news about the Messiah. Her testimony led many Samaritans to believe in Jesus and to receive Salvation for their souls. This story exemplifies the blessings that are both given and received through Evangelism.
Do You Have Peace?
At life’s end, every soul will encounter the Lord Jesus Christ. For Believers, this moment will overflow with immense peace and joy. However, for the Unbeliever, it will be fraught with dread and terror. Remember, everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.