The Great Story – Week 01: From Adam to Noah (Genesis 1-10)
The Bible Story starts off with a declarative statement, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”. This is not a story about a Big Bang. This is not a story that details a period of billions and billions of years. This is the account of the foundations of the universe being laid as God spoke, saying, “Let there be…” According to the Bible, the earth, the universe, everything that is seen and unseen was Created by God (Colossians 1:16) about 6000 years ago during a 6 day process. Jesus said that from the beginning of Creation, God made them male and female (Mark 10:6). There are no billions of years to accommodate an evolutionary process. God doesn’t need random chance or a slow, guided mutating process to arrive at what we witness in the world around us. In the beginning, He created it exactly how He wanted…and then mankind messed everything up.
The Fall was not an unplanned event that caught God by surprise. The Bible tells us that the kingdom has been prepared for the saints since the Foundation of the world (Matthew 25:34). God knew that mankind would sin and thus separate themselves from the perfect relationship they once experienced with the Creator. God had worked out the plan for Salvation through the death of Jesus Christ, the perfect lamb, long before the Creation. Today, we live in a world that is affected by sin. Everything is falling apart and there is a growing denial of the One, True God. One day, the Lord will return and set straight this world which is corrupted by sin. Oh Glorious day…
The story of Cain and Abel gives us the first account of human death in the Bible. Because of Cain’s jealously over Abel’s sacrifice being accepted while his own being rejected, he killed his brother. Then in the ultimate act of foolishness, he attempted to deny his crime to God. We cannot hide our sin from an omnipotent God. We have to confess our sin and ask for repentance. There is always an accounting and judgment for sin. The only way we can make a repayment for our transgressions is by accepting Christ and be covered by the Lamb’s blood.
Finally we come to Noah. Noah was a righteous man, the last righteous man in all of the earth. The Lord destroyed the entire earth in the Flood, preserving only Noah and his family. Even with this fresh start, the Creation was still effected by sin. We can look around today and see a corrupted world. I can’t help but think every time I see people blatantly sinning and celebrating in it, “DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THE FLOOD?” God gives us all the chance to repent from our sins. In Noah’s day, he gave the people 120 years while Noah was building the ark. Then he gave 7 more days after Noah and his family went into the ark. No one responded to the call of repentance in Noah’s day. God is calling out to you today as well. One day this world will undergo His judgment…will you not Call Upon The Name of The Lord to be saved? Please do. <3
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